Welcome to Chuparosa!
If you are outdoorsy in Arizona, you probably hike countless hours across the state’s vast mountain ranges. You encounter owls, snakes, spiders, javalina, rabbits, coyotes, and deer. You see the big cat paw prints in the sand and look around nervously for the mountain lion who left them.
But did you just catch something unusual out of the corner of your eye? Surely that rabbit isn’t three feet tall. Did you see something that just doesn’t make any sense? Butterflies don’t have teeth, do they? You want to write it off because it’s so hot, and you know you didn’t drink enough water. It could be dehydration making you feel as if the ground is tilted under your feet, but you have your doubts, don’t you? Further investigation seems unwise, but you’re drawn to this place even though it makes the hair stand up on your arms. If you’ve got an uneasy feeling inside telling you to get a move on, you may have stumbled into Chuparosa, Arizona.
Chuparosa sits at the foothills of a mountain range that taunts hikers with some of the most dangerous black diamond trails in the country. Some follow canyons with deep caves in their walls, some are lined with bizarre rock formations and some lead to waterfalls that gush in spite of the drought. Locals know that these anomalies are portals to the Other Side, but they try to leave well enough alone. It’s not a good idea for residents of either Side to cross those boundaries, but the lines aren’t always clear and not all the trails are marked.
It’s a quiet place, until it’s not; most people don’t move away, and very few move in. Those who do have their reasons and though the town won’t judge, it’s got an energy so old that it can tell who belongs and who doesn’t. Most outsiders are happy to get back on the outside, but since you’re here, maybe you would like to stay a while. Hike the trails and meet the people who make Chuparosa their home. They are flawed but they are brave, and each one has a story to tell.

What is Heaven’s Watch?
There’s a shift coming. Old things are waking up—beings that will take advantage as humanity regresses. Earth is a sacred place in the universe and there are extraordinary forces that resent the human hold over her. As she changes there will be a war for dominance; but humans were given this place having been favored above all others and, remarkably, they still hold that favor. For now.
Though they would not have chosen this life, a group of Heaven’s lost: unenthusiastic believers—widowed, abandoned and abused—have come together to form the Watch and, whether Heaven is on their side or not, they are determined to make miracles. Their gathering is a sign to those who would try to take their home that Heaven’s Watch will not allow it.
Meet Heaven’s Watch
Laura Deane
Brona Deane’s eldest and most powerful daughter is one contradiction after another. Sensitive and thoughtful, angry and determined. Laura resents her mother’s secrets and abuse and despises the church that fueled it all. She’s found solace in the arms of Sebastian Scott, and her love for him burns hotter than the flames at her fingertips; but Laura is fiercely independent and wants a partner not a protector. She might wear her heart on her sleeve, but it would be a bad idea to mistake her sensitive nature for fragility. Some call her an abomination. You can call her whatever you want but hurt someone she loves, and this witch will come for you bringing all the fires of Hell with her.
Sarah Deane
Sarah often feels like the older sister because she made the more “responsible” life choices. Stoic and reserved, she is the respectable one; but her life has been disappointing. Unlike Laura, she seeks comfort in the church, secretly hoping there is such a thing as redemption for the crime of being born. Often dismissive of magic in the past, circumstances with Heaven’s Watch have forced her to experiment with her abilities and now she’s at a crossroads. With nothing to stand in her way, it’s time to set aside her regrets and embrace her true power. How far is she willing to go and who will she take with her?
Sebastian Scott
Bone weary from a series of bad decisions and bad luck, when he came to Chuparosa Bash never dreamed that he would finally find his purpose along the remote magical borderlands. It’s true that he almost turned away, but even if he could fit in anywhere else, he would never leave Laura’s side. A big man with an empath’s sensibilities, the softness of his eyes can give people the impression that Bash is a gentle giant; but they mask a quick temper that simmers just below the surface of his good nature. Those who test him are often caught off guard by how ferocious he can be in response, especially if they are attacking his friends.
Chuck Ruiz
Though he’s the deputies’ supervisor, Chuck was raised in Chuparosa with a keen understanding of how the town, if necessary, will police itself. Sebastian’s partner and oldest, truest friend frequently finds himself walking a fine line between what’s right and what’s best for the people he loves—and they are almost never the same thing. Even as Chuck struggles with the ethics of it all, his no-nonsense approach to the task given to Heaven’s Watch has more than once helped to keep his friends alive. He relies on his wife Mena to help him balance the scales, but when he’s in her arms nothing else really matters.
Andrew Clarke
A troubled pastor, Drew knows a lot about pure evil and how its call often comes from inside the house of God. Still, he tirelessly searches for good, if not in everyone he meets, within every strange situation he finds himself. They are dangerous, but he trusts the Deane sisters with his life and, though some call their alliance unholy, he will never turn his back on them. To be part of their world—especially Sarah’s—is to be part of something remarkable that he’s been searching for his whole life. Drew’s scars run deep but he could bring hope to those who need it most if doubt doesn’t consume him first.
Mena Ruiz
After witnessing the pain it’s caused her best friends over the years, Mena keeps the practice of magic at a respectful distance. Her power—her superpower—is her absolute devotion to her family and friends. Her strong marriage to Chuck and their home, both built on tough times and hard work, is the base from which she sets out to wherever she’s needed. Even as she gives a side-eye toward magic, Mena is a Chuparosa native with a clear understanding of its importance and a deep connection to the essence of the Other Side.
Adam Colter
With a long history of wrestling with his own demons—both real and imagined—Adam tries to keep his personal horrors under wraps in order to earn the trust and respect of his new friends. He’s been a lot of things over the years and now, as a reluctant addition to Heaven’s Watch, he hopes to use his unique abilities to help them. Though a desperate search for answers led him to back to Chuparosa in vain, he plans to stay forever this time.